Convergence exercises pdf. Only do the exercises which you were advised to do.

Convergence exercises pdf CVS2 program is configured with the default Daily Exercise Regimen "Today's Assignment" which is designed to address most Convergence insufficiency cases. Convergence occurs when both eyes are focused on the same object or image at the same time. Enhancing Your Reading Experience Adjustable Fonts and Text Sizes of Convergence Exercises convergence? I x +61< 1- converges x + 6 < 4, then series converges I x +61>1 diverges x + 6 > 4, then series diverges TEST: I x Using the ratio test, n a < R converges a > R diverges a = R inconclusive —9 00 n n —9 00 n +00 So, the radius of convergence R = 4 and, the interval of convergence is -10 < x < -2 Sep 23, 2016 · Sequences: Convergence and Divergence In Section 2. Absolutely convergent 4. 6. In addition to certain basic properties of convergent sequences, we also study divergent sequences and in particular, sequences that tend to positive or negative infinity. Convergence exercises are the specific type of vision therapy needed to treat CI. Eventually you will reach your limit of convergence. In the package, you can find: Snellen Charts (5 charts) Snellen Chart for Children (1 chart) Myopia Exercises (3 charts) Hyperopia Exercises (3 charts) Astigmatism Exercises (2 charts) Strabismus Exercises (4 charts) General Exercises (2 charts) Pocket/Mini Version (6 charts). • Focus your eyes on the farthest thumb till the nail looks clear. 1 Most estimates of the prevalence of CI in children range from 2% to 4%, although rates of more than 10% have been reported. 4. 53) \(\displaystyle ln(1+x)\) for the near point of convergence (NPC) and near convergence amplitude (NCA) were required for inclusion. This keeps a clear Suppression, convergence excess and convergence insufficiency, among others, may be detected and treated using the physiological diplopia techniques employed by the Brock string. The patient focuses on a small For this exercise, we will use convergence charts. What is convergence insufficiency? Convergence insufficiency occurs when the eyes are unable to work together during close tasks like reading, writing, and using a computer. However, this is often a lot to take in, so this simple method should help you to do your exercises correctly. Divergence exercises are the opposite of convergence exercises. Hold a pencil, eraser end up, at eye level. Find the nth term (rule of sequence) of each sequence, and use it to determine whether or not the sequence converges. This is part 8 of the vision therapy series and will focus on vergence excesses—Convergence Excess and Divergence Excess. End of Chapter 5, Exercise 2. If you require reading glasses these should be worn when doing these exercises. Work through these symptoms. eye level. In each case, show your work and name the test used. Contents 1. If too dizzy, slow eye movement down slightly. 3 min. They will have also explained how to perform the exercises correctly. You might do these Series Convergence Tests Exercises Determine whether each of the following series converges of diverges. It includes detailed explanations of common exercises such as pencil push-ups, Brock string exercise, jump convergence exercise, dot card exercise, and smooth pen convergence exercise. It is presumed that exercises work by improving fusional convergence. Exercise 3. What is Convergence Insufficiency? Convergence is the ability to direct both eyes to a near object. Office exercises: Your doctor will tell you some exercises which you can do while sitting in the office. You can also write your progress in the exercise log at the end of this leaflet. (Note that 0! = 1. How to perform convergence exercises to strengthen your eyes? If convergence exercises are performed regularly then improvement in the condition can be seen within a few weeks. Vectograms Pencil push-ups treatment (PPT) is a commonly prescribed eye exercise approach for convergence insufficiency (CI). vision therapy/orthoptics was more effective than home-based convergence exercises (or The Brock string exercise is primarily used to improve convergence and suppression. Do the exercises have any side-effects? Symptoms of CI may become worse after starting exercises. Draw a picture to illustrate the above argument. Rest between each exercise. Treatment times vary, depending on how quickly the convergence improves and symptoms are resolved. Pencil push-ups are a targeted exercise designed to improve convergence ability, enhancing eye coordination and reducing discomfort associated with near vision tasks. . Just blink normally during the exercise • It is a challenging exercise, but practise will make it easier. Show that the series is conditionally convergent. If there is an insufficiency in convergence mechanism, it can cause symptoms such as double vision, blurred vision, headaches and eyestrain. In this way, it is hoped that readers can use the even-numbered exercise solutions to learn and assess their progress, while instructors can still assign odd-numbered exercises for course credit as desired. These exercises were discussed in detail in Part 6 of this series. Poor convergers have to first build convergence by looking at nearer and nearer targets and aiming their eyes back and forth between near and far targets. become very good at this exercise, you may be asked to do the exercise without using the pen. Typically, this exercise is done with a pencil but any object with the shape of a pencil could work. closer to your nose. Do not do these exercises unless advised and supervised by an eye care professional. (a) (sinx)=kon R. The exercise described below can help improve the convergence over a period of 4 to 8 weeks. € 2 2 4n2−1 n=1 ∞ ∑ 3. What is convergence? When looking at a nearby object, our eyes move close to each other. Make sure you allow your eyes to relax for a few minutes after doing the exercises, by closing them or looking in the far distance. Relevant theorems, such as the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem, will be given and we will apply each concept to a variety of exercises. Exercises may initially make the eyes feel worse before they feel better and may give rise to more headaches. • Dot cards treat convergence insufficiency more effectively than simple pen push-up exercises by ensuring correct ocular alignment. Exercises may initially make the eyes feel worse before they feel better, and may give rise to more headaches. In convergence insufficiency, this point recedes more than 12 cm away. Vision therapy is the most effective treatment program for improving convergence insufficiency. • Exercises demand concentration; avoid distractions. Each set of exercises focuses on strengthening a different visual skill: 1. Example 1. Talk to your This PDF provides a comprehensive guide to convergence insufficiency exercises, outlining various techniques to strengthen eye muscles and improve coordination. This axis is the near-far axis, (referred to as the Z-axis in vision) and challenges the convergence and accommodation system. After doing the exercise it is very important to relax your eyes, by looking into the distance, or by closing your eyes for a minute or so. 2. 1 KB, 6 pages Reference number GHPI1238_09_23 Department Ophthalmology Jul 17, 2010 · but to even-numbered exercises only. If some exercises are We will perform the same two exercises as our convergence exercise, with the two differences we have just pointed out. Convergence exercises Some people who have symptoms of blurred vision, headaches, jumbling of print and double vision, especially associated with near tasks, may be will not exercise the eye muscles. You can do this easy, cost-free exercise anywhere. These will help your eyes pull in together to see a near object. In order to make the distinction between pointwise and uniform convergence clearer, let us write down the relevant questions to ask in order to check whether one has pointwise or uniform convergence. Smooth Convergence Insufficiency Exercises. The examiner is seated front of the patient and observes their eye movement during this test. Check the continuity of the limit in each case. ) Brock String Convergence Insufficiency Exercise. € 1 an+b n=1 ∞ ∑, where a > 0 5. . 3. No calculator except unless specifically stated. 3 The clinical examination shows receded near point of convergence, reduced positive fusional vergence, and larger exodeviation at near than at Jan 4, 2024 · One of the frequently recommended eye exercise for convergence insufficiency is pencil-push-ups. The weakness of convergence can occur in individuals involved with a lot of near or computer work or those who suffer from any systemic illness. The second part examines bending of thin structures like beams. Determine if the sequence 2 lnn n ­½ ®¾ ¯¿ converges. • Our goal, which may take months to achieve, is to make your limit of convergence reach your nose. to the fixed point). Short Answer 1. Keep doing this for another Mar 2, 2020 · 3. 0 Page 1 of 2 . Convergence exercises are given, as this attempts to get the weak eye muscles working again. Two Thumb Exercise for Convergence Insuffi ciency • Hold one thumb close to your face and the other hand out at arm’s distance. The aim of the exercise is to improve your ability to pull your eyes inwards towards each other by maintaining a single image of each dot on the card (or letter on the reverse of the card). exercises. What are the symptoms? These may include: • headaches • eye strain • blurred Jump convergence exercise Page 1 What is a ‘jump convergence exercise’? The jump convergence exercise is an exercise for your eyes that can help to improve the symptoms of convergence insufficiency. When is the best time to do the exercises? 'hilqlwlrq $ vhtxhqfh ri udqgrp yduldeohv frqyhujhv lq suredelolw\ wr d udqgrp yduldeohv zulwwhq li iru doo fkrlfhv ri * *¥ % , mjn ]à ] ` Convergence insufficiency (CI) is a disturbance in binocular vision with a prevalence of 3% to 6% in school children 1, 2 leading to symptoms such as headache, asthenopia, blurring, diplopia, and a possible negative impact on academic performance. Convergence exercises are used to improve a patient’s ability to converge the eyes equally. Repeat 2-3 times. From Exercise 2 we know that IF the sequence has some uniform limit U, then it must be equal with P. Test the convergence and absolute convergence of the series Ans. What is the treatment? The orthoptist will advise simple exercises that help to improve your convergence ability. 1. The problem that remains is Save as PDF Page ID 4592; In the following exercises, find the radius of convergence of the Maclaurin series of each function. Download Level 2 Vision Exercises . Assume that lim n!1 an exists for anC1 D p 3an with a0 D2: Find lim n!1 an. One of the treatments for this condition is to perform convergence exercises with a Brock String if prescribed or recommended by your eye doctor. The default Daily Exercise Regimen includes the following procedures: Convergence exercises Information for patients, relatives and carers Introduction Your orthoptist has asked you to do some simple eye exercises. 5. Convergence (c/s glasses) Normal: diplopia at < 5cm from nose; observe for symmetrical eye movement Hold target at nose level, arm’s length away. Treatment with Convergence Exercises. ) a) X∞ 0 n 2n b) X∞ 0 2n n! c) X∞ 1 2n 1·3· 5···(2n−1) d) X∞ 0 (n!)2 (2n)! e) X∞ 1 (−1)n Oct 11, 2021 · Vergence Excesses. Sometimes with this exercise, we may ask you to look at small letters on a stick instead of a pen. Disclaimer: This document contains instructions for occupational and/o r physical therapy exercises developed by the University of Michigan Health System (UMHS). Below is an example of a convergence exercise used to help the eyes work together. Title: Instructions for convergence exercises - Target to nose Author: Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Created Date: 10/25/2022 11:39:53 AM Orthoptic exercises have been the primary treatment for convergence insufficiency since this condition&#39;s first description in 1855. Improve focusing. If CI isn’t causing difficulties, you generally don’t need treatment. If this is done correctly for 12 weeks the problem in most cases is dramatically reduced. In recent years, research from eye movement The orthoptic exercises were conducted as office-based convergence and divergence therapy combined with home training. Oct 24, 2018 · Below you will find information about convergence, including convergence insufficiency, and activities to improve convergence skills. These exercises are advised for patients that have reduced convergence and/or accommodation. • For safety, standing exercises must be performed close to a counter or next to someone. If you nd some, • These exercises may provoke symptoms of dizziness or nausea. Convergence insufficiency . A Brock String is a simple This document describes two finite element analysis exercises to study mesh convergence properties. Convergence exercise Stereograms . Patients with convergence insufficiency who carry out their exercises as instructed, should recover within four weeks, sometimes sooner. The patient is seated and wearing corrective lenses (if needed). € 1 2n − 1 3n # $ % & ’ (n=0 ∞ ∑ 2. Only do the exercises which you were advised to do. Of course, this solutions manual may well contain errors, perhaps signi cant ones. Hold the dot car to the tip of your nose. Focus on the target as you move it toward your nose. Sit or stand with the string at eye level. This is called convergence. This leaflet is for patients with a condition called convergence insufficiency (CI), this can be treated by eye exercises. Your health care provider has determined that these exercises are beneficial to you based on your condition at this time. Hold the card lengthways so that it is touching the end of Target: Convergence of the eyes This exercise focuses on the convergence of the eyes, a crucial aspect of oculomotor skills. The eye specialists often prescribe certain convergence eye exercises to treat CI. Place a pen against the card between the two images. Don’t give up! Are there any alternatives to convergence exercises? Generally, it is better to try and improve convergence by exercising the eye muscles. Some mild worsening of your symptoms can be a sign that you are doing the exercises correctly. If you don’t feel that you can do the recommended number of these exercises, do only as many as you are comfortable doing. convergence and of accommodation and for home exercises. Exercise 2D 1. related to the effort that is put in to doing the exercises - the harder you try, the quicker you will improve. Nov 7, 2022 · Your doctor will call it a near point of convergence exercise. Jul 19, 2024 · Doctors may suggest eye exercises for some people with convergence insufficiency. € n n=1n+1 ∞ ∑ 4. Do not stop here. We start by de ning sequences and follow by explaining convergence and divergence, bounded sequences, continuity, and subsequences. Show that the series is absolutely convergent. Consider f n: [0;1] 7!R, n 1, with f n(x) = nx nx+1. Limit of a Sequence 2 3. Since (sinx)=k 1=kfor all x2Rand since (1=k) !0 as k!1, (sinx)=kconverges pointwise to 0. But for people who are facing problems and symptoms, treatment with convergence exercises can increase the eye’s ability. Look at the distant pencil. Dot cards treat convergence insufficiency more effectively than simple pen push-up exercises by ensuring correct ocular alignment. Jun 2, 2022 · Project Convergence 2021 and 2022 (PC21 and PC22) Project Convergence 2021(PC21) While other supporting exercises and experiments were conducted in 2021, PC21’s main series of live-fire events took place October 12–November 10, 2021, at a number of installations located in the United States. The orthoptist will inform you of which exercise to do and how often. Within its radius of convergence, a power series may be di erentiated any number of times and this can be done termwise: d dx X1 n=0 a nx n! = X1 n=0 d dx (a nxn) = 1 n=1 na nx n 1: Note that since the a 0 term is a constant, it vanishes when taking the derivative. It may also be an accurate predictor of an athlete’s binocular balance and skills, as well as yielding information of where an athlete perceives objects in space. Good convergence is required to maintain comfortable vision for near tasks. Test the absolute convergence of the series Ans. Convergence exercises Information for patients, relatives and carers Introduction Your orthoptist has asked you to do some simple eye exercises. Try this exercise for _____ minutes at a time, _____ times per day. 4,5 Data was collected from 2006 to 2014 by a pediatric ophthal-mologist and certified orthoptist in private practice in South-western Pennsylvania. 7B-4 Using the ratio test, or otherwise, determine whether or not each of these series is absolutely convergent. CC BY-NC-SA Last Revised: 12/2013 ump convergence exercise Page 1 What is a jump convergence exercise? The jump convergence exercise is an exercise for your eyes that can help to improve the symptoms of convergence insufficiency, such as double vision and headaches. A weakness can also be made worse by a poorly controlled squint (strabismus). The convergence exercises were pencil push-ups at the beginning and the patient was asked to maintain a single image of the fixation object as close to the nose as possible. Step one: pen convergence (smooth convergence) • hold a target, such as the point of a pen, at arm’s length in a slightly lower position to the tip of the nose. Exercise Steps How to do smooth convergence exercises To view a PDF you may need to download Adobe Reader. The programs are designed to improve an individual's visual, concentration, and learning skills. These are basic instructions; variations on these, plus how frequently and for how long exercises should be done will be advised by your orthoptist. The first part looks at convergence near sharp corners. A Brock String is a simple 5. This keeps a clear headaches, eye strain, blurred vision and double vision —this is called Convergence Insufficiency. This leaflet is for patients who have been diagnosed with convergence weakness. What are orthoptic exercises? Orthoptic exercises help to improve control of the eye muscles. They are also called or categorized as near point of convergence exercises. CC BY-NC-SA Last Revised 03/2018 Saccades May 14, 2021 · Convergence insufficiency is a binocular visual disorder in which convergence to a near target is reduced. Convergence insufficiency can be corrected in most cases by simple exercises. Convergence insufficiency or weakness of convergence is when you cannot control this ability well enough to maintain comfortable vision. 2–4 Patients with CI may be asymptomatic or symptomatic. 7. These exercises could help your eyes to work together. Look at the dot which is the furthest away. Feb 8, 2023 · Convergence insufficiency is a moderately common vision problem that affects the ability to comfortably focus on close objects. However, a 2020 meta-analysis suggests the effectiveness of nonsurgical interventions like this remains unclear. If This leaflet is for patients who have been diagnosed with convergence weakness. Exercises to help with convergence may improve these symptoms. Generally, at the initial stages, the convergence exercises are supervised by an orthoptist. The nearer pencil should appear double, one image seen either side of the far pencil. Sometimes convergence insufficiency can occur as part of certain pre-existing general health conditions. Measure distance from nose to target. Not absolutely convergent 6. Home Exercises to Improve Convergence Insufficiency Page 5 of 8 The Dot Card • These are double-sided dot/letter cards for measuring the near point of convergence and of accommodation and for home exercises. exercises are beneficial to you based on your condition at this time. The next two examples illustrate convergence and non-convergence, respectively. Gaze stabilization: Sitting Worksheet 9. These exercises are a very effective treatment when they are done properly. The symptoms of convergence insufficiency may include: This leaflet is for patients with a condition called convergence insufficiency (CI), this can be treated by eye exercises. Hold the card with the images facing you at arms length and at. When you were in clinic, your Orthoptist will have given you a suitable target to look at when performing these exercises. Tips and Strategies For Vision Challenges We generally recommend 12 weeks of intensive exercises which comprise 5 minutes slow convergence, Pencil To Nose and then 5 minutes jump vergence followed by a further 5 Brock String exercises. Pencils used in PPT can have an alphabet or other characters on it to stimulate the accommodative system CONVERGENCE EXERCISES 1 Hold two different colour pencils straight in front of you (one at arm’s length and the other 15cm/6 inches nearer) against a plain background. Sep 29, 2021 · Some of the most common introductory exercises for vergence insufficiencies include Brock String, Barrel Cards, Stick-In-Straw, and Lifesaver cards. How to do the exercise 1. (It should be seen singly). This is much like starting to exercise any weak muscle. 9. pdf. Jun 30, 2023 · Convergence insufficiency is a moderately common vision problem that affects the ability to comfortably focus on close objects. She will have also explained how to perform the exercises correctly. The main goal is to create a virtual image, allowing each eye to work separately, strengthening coordination between the eyes and improving the functionality of eye convergence. This keeps a clear Exercises on Fixed Point Iteration¶ Exercise 1¶. Use any of the convergence charts and place it about 50-70 cm (19-28 inches) away from you at eye level. Exercises 1. Apr 12, 2017 · But to exercise convergence, the therapist must turn their favorite activity into the “Z-axis”. This helps to ease symptoms such as, headaches and occasional double vision which may occur when reading or looking at close objects. Be aware of this distance. 6. Consider the sequence defined by a n = (−1)n+n (−1)n−nDoes this sequence converge and, if it does, to what limit? Answer: Dividing numerator and denominator by n, we have that Rate of Convergence (1 of 2) Theorem Exercises: 3a, 11, 13, 17, 19, 20. The equation \(x^3 -2x + 1 = 0\) can be written as a fixed point equation in many ways, including \(\displaystyle x = \frac{x^3 + 1}{2}\) May 19, 2024 · Convergence exercises are designed to improve the ability of the eyes to come together and focus on a near object. These activities can be used by occupational therapists in treatment as indicated by vision screening and based on the individual needs of the child as determined by assessment. Title: Bisection Method - MATH 375 Numerical Analysis Author: J Robert Buchanan E. This is frequently associated with an exodeviation, which is greater at near than distance. Different meshes are tested on a notched plate and stresses are plotted against degrees of freedom. We may assume that lim n!1 an DA. Convergence exercises Some people who have symptoms of blurred vision, headaches, jumbling of print and double vision, especially associated with near tasks, may be performing these exercises. Purpose: To improve the ability of your eyes to work together, especially when looking at close objects. Determine which of the following sequences converge (pointwise or uniformly) as k!1. More advanced exercises for vergence insufficiencies include Vectograms, Tranaglyphs, and Stereoscopes. Another name for them is near point of convergence exercises. Symptoms often associated with poor convergence. 1801 EXERCISES 7B-3 Prove that if a n > 0 and P∞ 0 a n converges, then P∞ 0 sina n also converges. To test for uniform convergence, we calculate sup x2R sinx k 0 = sup x2R Convergence exercises GHPI1238_09_23 Department: Ophthalmology Review due: September 2026 PDF, 382. The session time is sixty minutes and should be done once or twice a week. PC 21 involved and you feel they need more exercise, HTS will add more runs at your direction. Slowly move it closer to your nose. Convergence insufficiency makes it difficult to maintain focus on a near object or image and can lead to double vision and eye strain. A cantilever beam is meshed and deflections are compared to analytical Convergence – Measure the ability to view a near target without double vision. Since the problem tells us that the limit exists, we don’t have to worry about existence. Changing focus and convergence. The radius of convergence of all the derivatives is the same as the original Dot card exercise Page 1 What is the dot card exercise? The dot card is an exercise for your eyes that can help to improve the symptoms of convergence insufficiency. € (−1)n+1e n en 9. > 6cm = “Convergence insufficiency” Central This leaflet is for patients with a condition called convergence insufficiency (CI), this can be treated by eye exercises. As the rubber band moves along the straw, the child should visually track it, with their eyes moving inward as the band these exercises don't work for everyone even after dedicated practice. If you have not read the previous portions of the vision therapy series, it is highly advisable that you review them as they cover information that will not be re-explained here. If they exercises are going to work, you should know within a month. Slowly move the pen towards you looking at the pen constantly. The aim of the exercise is to achieve a stereoscopic (3D) image from. What is Convergence insufficiency? Convergence is the ability to pull both eyes inwards in order to view an object close up. Procedure: • Tie one end of the string to a door knob or tape it to the wall, and hold the other end of the string up to your nose. (a) 2, 3 4, 4 9, 5 16, 6 A BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO UNIFORM CONVERGENCE 5 Exercise 2. Stop when target turns double. Does it have a uniform limit? Hint: From Exercise 1 we know that the sequence has a pointwise limit P which is given by P(0) = 0 and P(x) = 1 if 0 <x 1. the two images on the stereogram card. Show that the series is convergent. Jan 1, 2016 · PDF | Convergence insufficiency is a common disorder of binocular vision in children and young adults. Convergence Insufficiency Is a condition where there is difficulty coordinating the eyes to focus on near objects closer than 10cm from the nose. Progress is monitored by the orthoptist on Convergence exercises When are convergence exercises recommended? It you are unable to converge your eyes easily (pull them in to look at your nose), you may experience symptoms such as double vision, blurring and headaches, especially when attempting reading and other close work. Figure 1: Examples of types of convergence exercises What are convergence exercises? Convergence is the ability for the eyes to move inwards together at the same time. These exercises are easy enough to practice from the comfort of your own home, but if you run into any difficulties, be sure to contact your eye doctor for advice. We We have designed 26 charts for performing all the exercises on this site. If you have any questions regarding the treatment of your child’s eye condition, that these exercises are beneficial to you based on your condition at this time. The Convergence Exercises Budget-Friendly Options 6. ) Seat yourself approximately 10-15 feet in front of the television screen. € n lnn n=2 ∞ ∑ 6. Talk to your health care provider if you have any questions about this document, your condition or your treatment plan, including whether it is appropriate to continue doing these exercises should your condition change. This leaflet is to help remind you of what you have been told in clinic. Your orthoptist will explain and demonstrate this exercise for you. Method: 1. Goal: to be able to keep the near bead single while it is touching your nose. These exercises involve focusing on an object held close to the face and gradually moving it further away while maintaining focus. Convergence exercises are given, as this attempts to get the weak eye muscles working better. 1, we consider (infinite) sequences, limits of sequences, and bounded and monotonic sequences of real numbers. The objective of the Live Saver Cards The Life Saver card exercises aim to improve or maintain the brain’s ability to fuse two images (each provided by one eye). Hold a pencil at arm’s length from your face. Eye exercises to practice at home. The exercise in this leaflet can be practised at home, and when performed regularly, most patients start to see improvement in symptoms quite rapidly. Convergence insufficiency was diagnosed after a comprehensive ocular evaluation. The time for recovery however varies on the seriousness of the condition. The following exercise can be completed during commercials while watching television (approx. Many of our favorite activities can be modified just by turning them, to help strengthen the near vision system. Introduction to Sequences 1 2. Have the child hold a straw perpendicular to their nose and place rubber bands on the straw. Not everyone can learn to do the exercise. Please note, this page is printable by selecting the normal print options on your computer. 1—Sequences & Series: Convergence & Divergence Show all work. When you have finished this exercise, you must close your eyes for a few minutes or look out of the window, to relax your eyes fully. Navigating Convergence Exercises eBook Formats ePub, PDF, MOBI, and More Convergence Exercises Compatibility with Devices Convergence Exercises Enhanced eBook Features 7. Jump convergence: Jump exercise helps you to change focus from a point near you to a distant one and back Orthoptic Exercises Dot Card Orthoptic Dept Version 1. How often do I need to do the exercises? Convergence exercises are used to improve a patient’s ability to converge the eyes equally. Hold the pencil at a distance so the image is clear. Convergence Insufficiency This material will help you understand convergence insufficiency and how it is treated. dnu imgbq rttgmrl lqqwk kcbo appw crgq errypk cuqnz ojtk